The Marketplace Chiropractic Difference
Neurostructural Chiropractic vs Conventional Care

Many people first seek care because of pain. They may have in the past been to a physical therapist, conventional chiropractor, or maybe it’s a chronic health concern still causing them grief even after surgery. There are a lot of healthcare professionals who focus on pain and symptom relief, working like a “band aid” for the pain, and many of them do great work!
Unfortunately, treatment often progresses from pain medication to prescribed exercises, then to invasive procedures like injections or surgery. Even after everything they tried, many people still find themselves dealing with the same concern. It is common to initially feel that the problem gets better, but then it comes back, over and over again, usually getting worse over time. Often, this is due to an underlying issue that isn’t getting resolved.
At Marketplace Chiropractic, we look for the underlying cause that leads to many of the secondary conditions people experience, including concerns like neck and low back pain, headaches, and sciatica. What we are specifically looking for is neurostructural dysfunction.